I want to get lip injections
by Anna Maria (+ writing vibes by Disha)
I want to get lip injections Read More »
by Anna Maria (+ writing vibes by Disha)
I want to get lip injections Read More »
It is a random Sunday afternoon. One could argue, (the one arguing is obviously me), that my heart is physically shaking. Not beating. Shaking. Trembling. Like…I am 10 again and performing at my fifth-grade choir competition. Or even worse, sitting cross legged across my first ever date at TGI Friday’s wondering which choice of dish
I love my boyfriends, but I love my girlfriends more Read More »
Intense female friendships were at the core of my girlhood. I would have these euphoric, ephemeral best friendships; to feel wanted and appreciated by a woman lit this fire in my attention-depraved soul. I know, I know, ‘Mummy issues’ is so last season. So, let’s dive into the two greatest homoerotic best-friendships I have had,
The sun takes notice of me as the soft grass cries into my cold feet. I breathe with the earth, begging the beauty of the day to bend through me. Desperately attempting to consume the sun, to steal the warmth that is on my skin and absorb it, to keep it within me, stretching out
Fragility in the Strength of Female Friendship Read More »
Your warm shoulder tries to reach my cold mouth; a cold emptiness of space extends itself between us. There is a parasite which wanders this blackness; the vain parasitic word owner of nothing, continuously filling our mouths with hay. We choke then spit and try to build ourselves elsewhere, and you, amiga, always assist me
“Relax! It’s just another gathering with friends. Nothing to worry about.” But what if there will be other girls? What if there will be girls who are prettier and more likeable and who are actually into Formula 1 and say more interesting comments when playing CS:GO? The thing is I only hang out with boys.
Confessions of a Pick-Me Girl Read More »
It is pride month, and it is more important than ever to be inclusive, encouraging and accepting of those around us, especially the ones we are closest to. It is your responsibility as an ally/member of the LGBTQIA+ community, to encourage your girlfriend to be her true self. So let’s dive into why, as an
How to be a Better Ally: For pride month, let your girlfriend get a girlfriend. Read More »
So, I’ve always been a fan of stuffed animals since I was young, probably because my older sister banned me from having any when I was a baby which caused me to develop a borderline unhealthy obsession with my friend Brian. Brian is soft, light brown Jellycat Bumbly Bear with an expressionless face that is
Ideas and absurdity and obsessive thought and starvation. I hold your image very close, so close to me. Close to my skin/ my larynx/ my thighs. I own you whole in your own gazing, you will never depart and never think about me at all, and that is just the way of things, and the
Absurd mourning. / Duelo Absurdo. Read More »